80 Triple Series

Reference: 80 Triple Series

Features / Specifications

  • Individual Lens Replacements
  • ADR approved
  • IP67 100% Waterproof
  • 12 Volt and 12-24 Volt
  • 5 Year Warranty
  • 278mm x 100mm x 28mm

Fitting Instructions

Horizontally mount onto a flat surface with screws provided (for vertical mount, use P/N: 80B3V), run wires through the back and clip the lens into place. Please refer to ADR 13/00

Download Data Sheet

Technical Drawings

Please contact our Customer Service team for all sales enquiries.

Phone: 1800 815 000
Email: [email protected]

Function Stop/Tail/Indicator
Part No.
80BARR 12 Volt, Blister
80BARRM 12-24 Volt, Blister
LED Qty 108
Cable 40cm
Draw Stop Tail Ind
@13.8V  0.33A  0.06A  0.29A 
@28V 0.25A 0.04A 0.22A
Approvals Function Category CRN
ADR Stop/Tail 49/00 33059
ADR Indicator 6/00 2a 33098
CTA Stop/Tail/Ind 49/00, 6/00 2a CTA-060070
Function Stop/Tail/Indicator/Reverse
Part No.
80BARW 12 Volt, Blister
80BARWM 12-24 Volt, Blister
LED Qty 97
Cable 40cm
Draw Stop Tail Ind Rev
@13.8V  0.33A  0.06A 0.29A  0.31A
@28V 0.24A 0.07A 0.23A 0.17A
Approvals Function Category CRN
ADR Stop/Tail 49/00 33059
ADR Indicator 6/00/2A 33098
ADR Reverse 1/00 35797
CTA Stop/Tail/Ind/Rev 49/00, 6/00 2a, 1/00 CTA-060070
80 Triple Series

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